Thursday, March 26, 2015

Homemade Egg Noodles Recipe

Egg noodles are a favorite in our house! There is simply no comparison between homemade egg noodles and store bought ones. Most people assume that the process to making your own noodles or any type of pasta must be complicated and difficult.. I assure you it is not! This recipe also uses only three simple ingredients that you're bound to have on hand at any time.

Egg noodles are delicious when added to soups, as a side dish, or even the main course! They are so deliciously simple and you can't help but enjoy them. We most often add them into our soups, but they are also delicious with butter and fresh parsley! No matter how you enjoy eating them, the process to make them is the same. This recipe makes enough for one meal of noodles, but can easily be doubled for a larger batch.

This recipe uses only three ingredients and is mixed together in just a couple of minutes. There is no pasta maker needed to make these noodles! As long as you have a knife or pizza cutter, you have all you need. We have a pizza cutter with a zig-zag shape to it, which I love to use for the noodles.

Homemade Egg Noodles Recipe

1 Cup Flour
1 Egg
2-3 TBS Milk

1. Begin by placing the cup of flour in a bowl. Make a depression in the center of the flour for the egg, and crack your egg into the center of the flour. Next add the milk, starting with only 2 TBS.

2. Mix the flour, egg, and milk together using a fork. If the mixture seems to dry, add another TBS of milk. I like to finish mixing the dough using my hands, and form it into a ball.

3. On a well floured surface, roll out the dough to your desired thickness. Make it slightly thinner than you want your finished noodles to be, because they will increase in size as they cook.

4. Using a pizza cutter or knife, slice the rolled out dough into noodles. You can make very thin long ones, short and thick, or any variation you choose.

5. The noodles can be cooked immediately by adding them into rapidly boiling water or soup. Stir as you add them to prevent any sticking. Lower the heat to a simmer and continue to cook the noodles for 30 minutes. Enjoy!

What is your favorite way to enjoy egg noodles? Share in the comments!


  1. My kids always demand noodles in soup, our favorite is in hamburger soup. Have you ever tried to freeze the noodles? I never have, but it'd be handy if it works.

    1. They should freeze fine! Let them dry a bit before freezing, to prevent them from sticking together :)

  2. Can they be made using whole wheat instead of white flour?
